Today was a very important day for Mor Vue.

Mor Vue is 16 1/2 years old. She suffers from severe pituitary hypoplasia. She’s the size of a 5-6 year old. She needs life-critical hormone therapy. Yes. Without it, the worst possible outcome could occur. Our first step was to place her into the Luang Prabang Ethnic School, where her education opportunities will be greatly improved. The school is located close to a health clinic. The next couple of weeks will focus on getting her settled in the new environment, getting to know her room mates and classmates. Next step is to take her to Khon Kaen Srinagarind (aka Queen’s) Hospital to get her initial hormone therapy prescriptions.

Thank you all for contributing to Give Children A Choice’s Medical and Education Fund to help her.

If anyone knows of an organization who might help with her medical expenses, we can provide detailed medical reports.

Stay tuned for Mor Vue updates.

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