Jii Nou (VP) is an emaciated seven years old (but the size of a 1-2 year old) with contorted legs, feet, arms and hands.  He was born a healthy, normal child.  He contracted cerebral palsy from a prolonged untreated high fever at five months old.  Jii Nou stopped growing at an early age.  He cannot sit, stand, crawl or walk.  Yet, Jii Nou is a very attentive, responsive, surprisingly articulate, and happy child despite the neglect and sufferings he’s been through.

Jii Nou’s Dad and Mom squatted in an abandoned jungle hut one hour outside of Vientiane center.  They travel to Vientiane with Jii Nou’s siblings (sisters 10 and 1, brother 3) for days at a time to beg for money and food.  Jii Nou is left home alone to languish: starving, lying on his back, uncared for.

Jii Nou was discovered alone by a neighborhood boy. The boy heard Jii Nou screaming repeatedly, “Help me!” and “I’m hungry!” The boy ran home to tell his parents.  His parents found Jii Nou lying in his effluents.  They washed and fed Jii Nou.

Hmong Americans found and asked Give Children A Choice on Facebook to help Jii Nou. Give Children A Choice visited Jii Nou.   Jii Nou needs physical therapy and proper nutrition.

Give Children A Choice will accept donations for Jii Nou’s rehabilitation.  You can securely donate via the link on the home page.

Jii Nou needs your help.


Through Panou Xiong and her sister, Lamina Thoj and her husband, we went to visit Jii Nou at home.  He was alone went we arrived.  These photos are from that first visit:

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We visited again a week later.  Jii Nou is very uncomfortable sitting up, he prefers to lie down because his back hurts so much when sitting up.  This is an indication that he has been lying down for too long.  Jii Nou needs physical therapy very badly.

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