Dori and Barbara Shimoda, along with Thongchanh Vilayvong and our good friend Chuck drove an hour to revisit Jii Nou at his home.  When we arrived he was home alone; hot, thirsty, hungry and lying in a mess.  No one else was around.  Dori cleaned him up and gave him something to drink.

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Alone and Dirty (video)

Found Him Alone (video)

The team went to the naibane’s house and he was not at home, we spoke with his wife but she didn’t have any information about the whereabouts of Jii Nou’s parents.

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Jii Nou’s father came back to the house about two hours after the team arrived there, he said he was looking for food from relatives.  The team talked to him about his responsibilities as a father, about his current situation and about his son’s need to have physical therapy to increase his current mobility.  The team provided the family with food, drinks and kitchen utensils, the father was appreciative and the children were excited.  This family needs so much help.

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Providing for the Family (video)